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Lawyer For Wills in Wilmington, NC

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Take Responsible Steps Now to Secure Your Future

Bespoke Estate Law helps clients establish both simple and complex Last Will and Testaments, advanced directives, and other estate planning measures. We are licensed in North Carolina and South Carolina, and we enjoy helping families from a variety of backgrounds and economic situations throughout.

Your will cannot wait, even if you are young and in good health. In North Carolina, estates without a will ("intestate") must be distributed in accordance with state laws, and your wishes may not be represented whatsoever. Save your children, family, and other loved ones from uncertainty if you were to pass away by creating a will that accurately details your wishes.

For greater peace of mind, contact Bespoke Estate Law today. We provide free consultations, and we help with wills, trusts, elder law, and other estate planning needs.

Wills For Every Stage of Life

Wills are not only for elderly people, high net worth individuals, or those with children. Every adult should have a will written under the guidance of an experienced attorney. This protects your loved ones from unnecessary hassle and heartache, and it gives you peace of mind as you build wealth and walk through every stage of life.

Wills For Young Professionals

Do you know what will happen with your bank accounts, vehicles, property, digital accounts, IP, or other property if you were to unexpectedly pass away? Nobody can predict the future, and you are no different. Take care of your loved ones by specifying next steps for your pets, debts, personal assets, and other items in your estate if something were to happen to you.

Start a Family in a Responsible Manner

If you plan to have children, or if you have already started a family, call us immediately. It is your responsibility to appoint a legal guardian for your children; if you fail to do so, relatives may fight over guardianship, and the state may select a guardian that you would not have chosen on your own. Your will also provides financial support for your children and spouse, and it will ensure a smooth probate process if you were to pass away.

Revisiting Your Will at an Older Age

Bespoke Estate Law has helped many seniors who wish to minimize the effects of estate tax, simplify probate, or even designate end-of-life healthcare decisions. We help clients designate agents under durable powers of attorney, healthcare powers of attorney, and designate executors for their estate. We also provide guidance regarding the creation of irrevocable trusts, if appropriate. As loved ones pass away, grandchildren are born, and relationships evolve, you may want to revisit your will. We are here to help you.

We Help With Every Kind of Will in North Carolina

Attorney for Simple Wills in Wilmington

For those with simple estate planning needs, a simple will may be sufficient. A simple will must be drafted (in writing), signed, and witnessed by two present adults. Bear in mind that your beneficiaries may not be witnesses during the creation of your will. An experienced attorney should guide this process, as there are a number of factors that may render your will invalid.

Creating Advance Directives in NC

When thinking of wills, most people's minds lean toward property, money, stocks, and other assets, but your health decisions are important as well. We often help clients who need to establish a medical power of attorney or living will. These tools allow you to designate someone who will make healthcare decisions for you in the event that you become incapacitated. You may also designate your wishes regarding life-sustaining treatment should you fall into a coma or other unconscious state. 

Testamentary Trust Wills

A Testamentary Trust Will specifies that certain assets are folded into a trust (or multiple trusts) when you die. If you have young children or other beneficiaries who would not be able to manage their own inheritance responsibly, contact us regarding a testamentary trust will. We will help you choose between testamentary trust wills, inter vivos trusts, and other vehicles for your assets.

Form Your Will With an Experienced Attorney

The basics of creating a will are straightforward: you must be over the age of 18, write the will voluntarily, supply two witnesses who are not beneficiaries, sign the will, and preferably have the will notarized. But if contention arises, your family may become embroiled in costly litigation or the wrongful distribution of your assets. In a worst case scenario, the court may throw out your will entirely. An experienced estate planning attorney can help you avoid all of these unintended outcomes.

In short, avoid short-term thinking and DIY measures regarding your will. A qualified attorney will solidify your future, recommend various trusts, types of wills, and other investment vehicles, and provide your executor with clear directives when you pass away.

Call For a Free Consultation Today

Bespoke Estate Law serves residents of Wilmington, throughout New Hanover and Brunswick Counties, and throughout South Carolina as well. We have helped hundreds of individuals and families create wills, trusts, and estate plans, and we would be happy to work with you.

Reach Out Today
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